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Zone3 - Parthi Pilgrimage 2022 opening had an emotionally charged atmosphere

The first day of the "Zone 3 - Parthi Pilgrimage 2022" began on the 22 of December with Vedic Practise, which was immediately followed by Morning Darshan of Sai Sanidhi, the site where the Divine Energy of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is being vibrated continuously and could be absorbed by anyone who tuned in.

In point of fact, pilgrims began arriving as early as 14 December2022, and the number had significantly increased by the time 21 December 2022 rolled around. The thrill of first setting foot in Prasanthi Nilayam, also known as the Abode of Peace, is incomparable to that of any other experience that one might have. Every devotee brought with his/her a spirit of devotion, which could be seen reflected in his/her face. It was indeed a celebration, it was a joy to see all of the devotees reuniting with one another and sharing their happiness with one another.

Brother Sundaram Swaminathan (Director of the Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre) led an informal Satsang with us on the evening of 21 December 2 2022, and last night, Dr. Sai Girdhar did the same. Both Satsangs were excellent in every way, providing the inspiration, motivation, and practical guidance that the devotees needed to quickly and easily begin the process of reconnecting with Swami.

SSE children, Carol practises, Musical Offerings, Bhajan Offerings, Vedic Chanting, and other activities all entered a phase of fine tuning with more intense practises in preparation for being offered at the Lotus Feet within the next few days.

Yesterday, on the 22 December 2022, Brother Kamal Naidu, who is coordinating this trip, and Brother Shalendra Kewal, who is the Deputy National Chairperson of the Sai Organization of New Zealand, presented a booklet on "Zone3-Parthi Pilgrimage 2022" at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The booklet included all of the scheduled events for the trip.

Because every devotee who is here has come for one reason and one reason only, which is ‘Love for Swami’, the atmosphere is pulsating with a powerful spiritual energy.


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