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Prasanthi Pilgrimage : Save the Dates - 22 to 29 December 2022

The Zone 3 Chairman, Brother Singanayagam Indrapalan, has announced that a special Prasanthi Pilgrimage has been planned giving all devotees from our Zone including New Zealand, Australia & Fiji the opportunity to visit Prasanthi in person once again.

The dates of the pilgrimage has been confirmed to be from 22 to 29 December 2022.

The theme of pilgrimage is "Reunite, Recharge at Prasanthi".

Brother Indrapalan said, "Prasanthi Nilayam brings very fond memories of the Infinite Love of our Swami. Prasanthi, the very home of our Lord SAI, is the divine abode where He physically walked Mother Earth, blessed & gave His Divine Discourses to millions of devotees from around the globe, started His very mission, where millions of Sai devotees experienced infinite bliss and where He continues to reside today."

"Just like you recharge your mobiles on a daily basis, it is important to visit the Maha Samadhi in Prasanthi Nilayam as it is the recharging point for all Sai devotees. It is the divine place which “recharges our spiritual batteries and intensifies their connection to Swami”, Brother Indrapalan added.

"We ask all members to “Save the Dates” and get ready for another divine experience and journey. It will be “Our Journey Home”".


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